Multinational restaurant electricity consumption, freezer and chiller temperature monitoring system–Pilot project for 1500 locations in 22 countries

Using ControlbyWeb products and solutions, EMI successfully designed, configured, and installed a project for a multinational restaurant which monitors its energy consumption and logs the temperatures of its freezers and chillers. The system has the following features:
  • Provide real time values of all electric parameters like daily and total electric consumption (kWh), electric power (kW), 3 phase currents and voltages, power quality, power factor
  • Monitor and store all electric parameters
  • Monitor and store temperature of two chillers and one freezer
  • Provide a dashboard to access all stored data with graphs and trends of historical data
  • Provide edge logic and algorithm to monitor how many times the chillers and freezer were open for more than 30 minutes per day and log that data
  • Data analysis with drill down capability to analyze stored data
  • No monthly cloud fees
  • System requires a username and password to login
  System Components: The system was successfully installed on September 2021 and has the following components with their respective roles:
  • ControlbyWeb X-404:Modbus RS485 and Temperature Gateway to log and monitor the data received from Elite 444 meter and the three 1-wire temperature sensors installed in the chillers and freezer
  • Modbus RS485Class 1 smart meter: Modbus RS485 Class 1 electric meter with three current transformers (CTs) to measure all parameters of electric consumption and power quality
  • ControlbyWeb X-600:Secure controller with built-in server used to aggregate and visualize the system data points with widgets, gauges, graphs, trends, and drill down webpages for further data analysis
  • Electric panel, three temperature sensors, and a small backup UPS power to keep the system running for 8 hours in the event of power failure
Delivery Results: The pilot was successfully installed and implemented as per customer requirements with a dashboard containing all significant logged parameters. Using the data collected, a baseline of 6 months was established. A username and password were shared with the customer to access the system and its data. System operated without interruptions.

The following images are screenshots of the system dashboard



EMI Softech